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Kynesgrove Skyrim Map

Kynesgrove: A Village with a Rich History and Dark Secrets

A Thriving Settlement with Humble Beginnings

Kynesgrove, a small village nestled in the Eastmarch region of Skyrim, has a rich history that belies its modest size. Founded by the enterprising Uriel family, Kynesgrove initially flourished as a lumber mill, its industry supported by the surrounding forests. Over time, the village grew to include a bustling inn, the Briarwood Inn, and a thriving mine, the Steamscorch Mine, providing sustenance and employment to its inhabitants.

An Unmarked Location with a Chilling Past

Beneath the surface of Kynesgrove's idyllic exterior lies a dark secret. Northeast of the village, hidden from casual observation, is Kynesgrove Resurrection. This unmarked location is imbued with an ominous aura, as it is believed to be the site where Alduin, the enigmatic dragon of legend, resurrected the colossal dragon Sahloknir from its ancient slumber.

A Village with Multiple Names and Complexities

Adding to the village's enigmatic nature, Kynesgrove has been known by several different names throughout history. Some refer to it as Dragonwood or Dragon Wood, hinting at the presence of dragons in the vicinity. Its location on the outskirts of Windhelm, separated by the Yorgrim River, further adds to its unique identity, making it a crossroads between different factions and interests.
